3 Important Tiers of Your Home Security System
If you have a home, the most important thing you want to feel is comfortable and safe. Whether you have owned a home for a long time, or just moved into one, thinking about your home security and best wireless security camera placement is essential.
When discussing home security, it's important to mention there are 3 tiers of home security to concern yourself with when you are building your home security program.
- Outdoor/ Surroundings
- Door/Windows
- Indoor
To understand home security, having a deep understand of these areas and the steps to protect them, will help you as a homeowner to feel as secure as you can be.
1. Outdoor/Surroundings

Depending on the type of home you live in and how much space you have around your home (like a front or back yard), determines the amount of home security you should be concerned about. If you have a large front yard or back yard, home security doesn't necessarily mean it begins at the house but actually near fences and larger trees to get the wide range you're looking to monitor.
Depending on the style of your home, many areas can be considered blind spots or too far from the camera to be detected to receive a notification to your phone that activity is happening. It's important to get the coverage you need away from the home by using wireless security cameras near larger fences or on trees. Wireless outdoor security cameras work best in these areas because they give you the flexibility to be able to place the camera where you would like. Wired security cameras are limited in certain voltage, hard wiring and installation so finding a wireless battery operated outdoor camera is crucial to securing these areas. Not only is it important to look for a battery operated camera, but look for a camera that's simple to hang up anywhere to get security you're looking for.
If there are restrictions on placement or material it needs to be on, this may hinder where you can and cannot place the outdoor camera. The Toucan Wireless Outdoor Camera is a battery operated wireless security camera with a mount that just needs a single screw or nail, giving you the ability to hang on a tree, a fence, brick or any other materials. The flexibility of the camera lets you place the outdoor camera where you want the security.
2. Doors/Windows

Getting closer to the home, securing the areas by the windows and doors are the next step. If you don't have a large front/back yard area, this will be on of the more important place you will want to focus on in regard to your home security. Being able to see what is happening and the activity that is near your home when you're away is essential for an overall feeling of safety in your community. If you recently moved to a new home, you're completely unaware of the neighborhood activity, what is normal activity, what concerns are in the neighborhood etc. Securing the essential areas of the doors and windows, is a great step in fully understand your home and neighborhood.
If you're concerned about home invasion or suspicion, the most common way a burglar enters the home is through the front door. Ensuring this area is protected, is crucial to feeling safe. Not only is this a great way to feel safe in your neighborhood but an overall peace of mind seeing your family members come home, a package being delivered or neighbors coming by to say hello. Whether you live in a high activity area that has record of criminal activities or a low activity area, the feeling of knowing that you can see what's happening at your home 24/7 through your camera feed is important.
For front door security, we recommend the Toucan Wireless Video Doorbell to see what's directly happening at your front door. This camera is 180° field of view so you can monitor what is happening from the ground up, including packages directly at your doorstep. This is also battery operated and wire-free, granting you the ability to place the video doorbell where ever you would like, so you are not limited to your existing doorbell placement.
If you're looking for a security camera that is wired, the Toucan Security Camera has a single wire for easy installation the directly connects to your porch light. Using the smart socket provided, the security camera also lets you control your porch light through your smart phone and the app to turn your porch light smart. You can schedule the porch light to turn on at certain times of day and manually turn it on/off whenever you would like.
In addition to cameras, a great way to let others know your home is secured is through the use of home security decals/signs. If the cameras are hidden, this extra decals and signs can warn anyone near your home that your home is protected to help prevent break ins.
3. Indoor Security
Depending on your living situation, ensure the inside of your home is the next step to securing all angles near your home.

While more people are concerned with the outdoors, it can be important to also view the inside of your home. Whether you have new animals and want to check in on them during the day, or teenagers that you want to see when they come back from school. Having that extra knowledge of what is happening inside when you're home can help provide a peace of mind of knowing everything is secure and safe. Indoor security cameras also work great for using one of your elderly parents home in case they fall, you are able to see from your camera to call help and take immediate action. Or if you have a baby and want a baby monitor, indoor security cameras can be placed inside the room so you can keep watch of any activity when you're sleeping or in another room.
For indoor security, we recommend the Toucan Wireless Outdoor Camera to easily place in any room. Since this is wire-free and has a magnetic mount for adjustable angles and easy removal, you can move the camera to get any angle you'd like or easily remove the camera from the mount and place it in another room that you want to watch activity for.
The journey to home automation and home security is worth the effort to feel safe and secure in your home. Check back for more tips later on to read more information on outdoor and indoor security.